Homes for Life Housing Partnership is committed to providing our tenants with affordable high-quality homes and housing services that meet our tenants needs and priorities.  

Our overall purpose is to invest in our people, our properties, and communities, assisting them to thrive and flourish. We understand that to achieve this, it is important to seek, listen and act upon your views to support us to secure our future for the benefit of our tenants.  

In reflecting our core values of collaboration, trust and professionalism our Tenant Participation Strategy aims to ensure tenants are at the heart of the decisions we take in delivering our services. By working in partnership with our tenants and other stakeholders, we aim to ensure we deliver more than “homes for life.”  

Below you will find more information about how you can take part in the decision-making process.

Listening to your views  

We want to hear from you and will ask for your views through:  

Tenant Satisfaction Surveys 

Complaints, Suggestions, and Compliments Feedback  

Service Delivery Feedback & Tenant Satisfaction Reports 

Consultation on Changes to and Development of Policies and Service Delivery 

Meetings and Events  

If you feel you would like to participate more here are some of the ways you can get involved: 

Register your interest in participating in our consultation activities from home

Become a member of Homes for Life

Work with us to review policies and services through tenant scrutiny

Be part of the tenants’ groups we are developing in our communities

Join the Homes for Life Board

Call us on 01620 829300 or email to discuss what option would be right for you.  

The membership application form can be found here as well as the Membership Policy

Informing you

Good communication is essential to build good relationships between tenants, our team, and Board members as well as to ensure tenants have the information required to influence the decisions, we make to improve our service delivery.

We will: 

Provide information that is easy to read, understand and is in a format to suit tenants needs, including large print, braille, audio, and other languages, in both online and paper formats.

Ensure you have time to review the information and respond to any proposals. 

Ensure we are aware of how you want us to communicate with you – by post, telephone, text messaging, online, in person.  

Provide opportunities for tenants to speak to our team to give your views and to assist you to respond to consultations. 

Provide updates on consultation results, agreed actions and progress. 

We will do this through:  


Information Leaflets 

Tenant Satisfaction Surveys 

Annual Reports 


Interested Tenants Register 

Meetings and Events 

Telephone, Email, Text Messaging 

You can find out latest publications here