Each of the reports below show how Homes for Life is performing and managing its services.
Annual Customer Performance Report
This report shows our performance for the year and makes comparisons with other RSL's within our peer group.
Scottish Housing Regulator - Landlord Report
The Scottish Social Housing Charter sets out the standards and outcomes that landlords should achieve. Each year, Homes for Life report to the Scottish Housing Regulator on its performance against this Charter within a document called Annual Return on the Charter (ARC).
This Landlord Report provides detail on how we performed in the areas that tenants say that are important to them.
Annual Financial Statements
These are audited statements agreed and approved by the Board of Homes for Life.
They compare financial activity against the previous year and provide detail of the activity throughout the year e.g. planned & reactive maintenance.
Homes for Life Housing Partnership Accounts 2023
Annual Financial Un-Audited Accounts for Homes for Life Developments Limited
These are un-audited statements agreed and approved by the Board of Homes for Life.